Lois being funny 2017-2018

Doctor: Open an eye [for an eyedrop].
Lois: Aye, aye, sir. (2017)

Lois: Good morning merry sunshine, how did you wake so soon?
R: Alarm clock.
Lois: Oh, that's alarming! (2017)

[At a food court with lots of empty tables]
R: Where would you like to sit?
Lois: I think I will sit in a chair. (2017)

R: What do you think of this mug?
Lois: Smug [thi-smug]. (2017)

R: Lunch is ready. Go have a seat.
Lois: But I can't eat a seat. (2017)

R: Which flavor sounds better? Oatmeal raisin or peanut butter?
Lois: The one you are eating at the time. (2017)

R: I am going to put some gel in your eyes.
Lois: You are making me gel-ous.
R: I think I am making you an-gel-ic.
Lois: But I was already angelic. (2017)

Son: Don't go back to bed. Let me open the window and let the sun in.
Lois: But you already opened the door and let the son in. (2017)

R: Go ahead and drink up and we'll take off.
Lois: How about if I drink down and leave on? (2017)

R: I am going to put some eye gel in your eyes and make you more an-gel-ic.
Lois: Is that possible? (2017)

R: Do you feel rested?
Lois: I feel rusted. (2017)

Lois: What time is it?
R: 8:09.
Lois: It can't be 'ate' because I haven't eaten. (2017)

R: How about taking your coat off?
Lois: I'll just sleeve it on [jus leave]. (2017)

Receptionist: How is your afternoon going so far?
Lois: Minute by minute by minute... (2017)

R: Are you feeling tired?
Lois: No. I don't have any tires. (2017)

[Looking out over the bay on a rainy day]
R: [Pointing to a large strange ship] I wonder what kind of ship that is.
Lois: A wet one. (2017)

Lois: You're making a lot of noise.
R: Is it annoyingly noisy?
Lois: Annoising.  (2017)

Lois: Where are we now?
R: We're in Washington State.
Lois: [Pause] That is a statement. (2017)

R: Please unzip your vest and let me have it.
Lois: Do you want me to di-vest? (2018)

Lois: Where is this?
R: We are in Washington state.
Lois: Hmm, you made a state-ment.


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